Student Referral Program Terms and Conditions
The student referral program offers Hunter Trade College students and alumni an opportunity to encourage prospective students to apply for entry to Year 11.
What does it offer?
When a student refers a friend or acquaintance to the College and that friend or acquaintance completes the entry program (testing and interview) and confirms their enrolment through the payment of an acceptance fee, the referring student will receive $100 gift voucher.
Why do we have the referral program?
For many years, our students have shared their experiences with friends, and this has encouraged prospective students to apply for entry to the College. A gift voucher is our way of saying thank you to students for their word-of-mouth referrals.
Who is eligible?
All current Year 11 and Year 12 students may participate in the referral program, along with recent graduates from the College. New students who have confirmed their enrolment (through the payment of their acceptance fee) are also eligible.
What conditions apply?
1. Referring students must be current students of Hunter Trade College, have attended the College as a student within the previous 12 months or be confirmed as a student for the next enrolment intake.
2. The referral will only be considered once:
a. the new student confirms the validity of the referral,
b. the new student has completed the intake processes (testing and interview),
c. the new student accepts an offer of enrolment, and
d. after the College receives payment of the new student’s Acceptance Fee.
Note: Students who have already been interviewed for a College position are not eligible for referral.
3 The referring student may choose between a gift voucher for Gasweld or Bunnings Warehouse.
4. If the College reasonably believes there has been tampering, colluding or misuse of the referral program, it has the right to disqualify the referrals in question
5. The new student can be referred only once. Where more than one student has referred a prospective student, the voucher amount may be split between not more than 4 referring students. This must be determined at the time of referral; once a voucher has been issued, no further claims can be made.
6. A referring student may refer up to 3 students.
7. Sibling/s of a new student cannot claim the gift voucher. A parent discount on College fees to the same value of the gift voucher applies in this case.
8. The offer on the referral program is non-transferable and cannot be used for any other purpose.
9. The College will not provide cash in place of the gift voucher.
10. The referred student must undertake all the usual entry tests and enrolment and have their offer of enrolment approved by the College’s Chief Executive Officer.